Thursday, November 18, 2010


Two things that I've always appreciated about Daniel (don't worry, there are lots more than just two) are the fact that he doesn't care about football and doesn't watch sports on TV, and also that he doesn't waste his life away playing video games...
Well, so much for that!

We bought an xBox 360 from my sister a few months ago for the sole purpose of watching Netflix. We're totally addicted. (right now we're watching Bones! so good.)

Then, last week Daniel decided that he needed to buy a game for the xBox. As if he doesn't have enough hobbies already! Whatever... So we went to Game Stop at what must have been the busiest time because the line went all the way from the counter to the door.
Align Left
...and by the way, Game Stop has more gross, un-showered people than the DI does...

And that was that. He has stayed up till 2 am most nights since he got the game.

But I guess I can't complain. At least he's not out all night climbing large rocks

I just don't know what I'll do if he decides we need cable with all the ESPN channels. I think that's where I'll draw the line.


  1. Bones is the best tv show out there! We have the first 3 seasons on DVD!

  2. I know I love it! we got to the last 4 episodes of season 3 on netflix and its not online anymore! so we'll have to order the disk to finish the season.
